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The following excerpts are taken from my second book,  "Soul Scrapings-2", the second in a series of short stories dedicated to the macabre.  Both may be purchased in e-book and paperback format at, .ca and Feel free to check in later  for more




Harvey was very nervous and understandable so. He had never been one to bring attention to himself and now, in mere seconds, he would be called out on stage in front of a huge audience as a new contestant for the popular game show “Get A Life!”. He shook his hands and bounced up and down on the balls of his feet in an effort to loosen up and relax. At least he didn’t have to worry about breaking out into a sweat - being dead and all.

-From "Get A Life"




Little Johnny Miller, a bright and curious eleven year old, poked experimentally at the decomposing head that had been partially concealed by a couple of overturned garbage cans. Pulpy, pale and oozing, it lay facing upwards like some prehistoric egg in a stinking nest of wet crumpled papers and rotted food. But no exotic creature would be hatching from that egg - only an eruption of worms and larvae. A cloud of disturbed flies buzzed above it, ready to settle back down and wash their hands before partaking of the stickiness.

Johnny leaned over to examine this new-found curiosity more closely to see if it was anybody he knew. He didn’t think so but it was hard to tell.

-From "Picking Up the Pieces"

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